Øen Islay tilhører de Indre Hebrider. Allerede i 700-tallet begyndte norske vikinger at gøre indfald på dette område ud fra Skotlands vestkyst, og i 800-tallet bosatte mange nordmænd sig, hvorefter Harald Hårfager lagde øerne under den norske krone. Skotske konger gjorde mange forsøg på at fordrive nordmændene, men de etablerede et kongedømme “Suðreyjar”(“De sydlige ører” på Norrønt), der nåede et betydeligt materielt og kulturelt niveau, og som eksisterede i over 400 år.
- Farve: Blå
- Røget eg

Islay is the southernmost island of the Inner Hebrides off the Scottish West Coast. In the 8th century, Norwegian Vikings began raiding the Inner Hebrides, which led to many Norwegians settling here during the 9th century. Eventually, King Harald Hårfager (Harald Fairhair) annexed the islands and declared them part of the Norwegian Crown. The attempts by several Scottish kings to oust the Norwegians were futile, and the Norwegians managed to establish a stable kingdom here lasting for more than 400 years called “Suðreyjar” (”the Southern Islands” in old Norse). During this period of time, Suðreyjar became quite influential with high levels of material and cultural wealth.
- Glass colour: Blue
- Smoked oak