Eg (Oak) – the Nordic ships of the Viking Era were built as flexible plank shells of cleaved oak. Based on a fundamental design consisting of a keel, swung sterns, ribs, and clinker-built planks, the hulls were given an appealing double-pointed shape. Not only were the boat-builders of the Viking Era skilled craftsmen with great knowledge of the many characteristics and qualities of oak; they were also artists with highly developed senses of proportions and beauty.
Length: 51 cm
- Glass colour: Steel blue
- Smoked oak

Eg – Vikingetidens nordiske skibe var bygget som en smidig plankeskal af udkløvet egetræ. Ud fra et grundmønster med køl, svungne stævne, spanter og klinklagte planker opbyggedes skroget i en æstetisk dobbeltspids form. Vikingetidens bådebygger var en dygtig håndværker, som havde en stor viden om sit fag og egetræets egenskaber, men han var også en kunstner med en høj æstetisk sans
Lændge: 51 cm
- Farve: Stålblå
- Røget eg