Fornjot – a Norse giant and the father of Sea God Ægir; hence associated with not only the sea, but also with storm, fire and snow. The exact meaning of his name is somewhat unclear though. By one interpretation it is “Forn-jætte” (jætte meaning giant), hence “the very old giant”. It was commonly believed that the giants were the original inhabitants of the North.
Length: 75 cm
- Glass colour: Blue
- Smoked oak

Jætte, der var far til havguden Ægir, dvs. forbundet med havet; men også storm, ild og sne forbindes han med. Betydningen af hans navn er lidt usikker. Måske betyder det “Forn-jætte”, dvs. den meget gamle jætte. Det var en udbredt forestilling, at jætterne skulle være Nordens oprindelige indbyggere.
Længde: 75 cm
- Farve: Blå
- Røget eg