Heimdal – Han er gudernes vogter og sidder ved himlens rand for at vogte regnbue broen, Bifrost. Han kan nøjes med mindre søvn end en fugl. Nat som dag ser han hundrede mil frem. Han kan også høre græsset gro på jorden og ulden på fårene.
Længde: 88 cm
- Farve: Aqua
- Røget eg

Heimdal (also called Gyllintanni). Heimdal is the keeper of the Norse gods, and sits by the edge of the sky in order to guard the mythical brigde Bifrost. He gets by with less sleep than a bird, and his gaze reaxhes more than a 100 miles. He has extraordinary hearing, and can hear grass in the fiels as well as wool on the backs of sheep grow.
Length: 88 cm
- Glass colour: Aqua
- Smoked oak