Jætte, der konkurrerer med Loke om, hvem der kan spise hurtigst. De æder gevaldige mængder kød af samme trug og mødes på midten, men jætten har også spist kødbenene og truget; for Lue er den personificerede ild.
Længde: 26 cm
- Farve: Gul
- Røget eg

Lue – a giant (‘jætte’) who competes with Loke to eat the fastest. They meet in the middle of the trough they are both feeding from, but Lue has not only eaten an enormous amount of meat but also the bones and the trough, as Lue is fire personified. To this day, Lue means flame in Danish.
Length: 26 cm
- Glass colour: Amber
- Smoked oak