Ting – thing, thingstead – where public and communal matters were settled. The thingsteads played a pivotal role in Norse mythology as well as in prehistoric Nordic society. The highly esteemed gods met at the thingstead by Yggdrasil to deliberate. From here, the gods created order and structure in the world. They named objects and beings, they created time and fought against the chaos that would eventually lead to Ragnarok.
Length: 26,5 cm
- Glass colour: Green
- Smoked oak
Forsamling, hvor offentlige anliggender afgøres. Tinget har en central funktion både i de nordiske myter og i de nordiske samfund i oldtiden. De høje guder samles på tinge for at rådslå fra domssæder. Tingstedet ligger ved Yggdrasil. Det er fra dette tingsted, guderne sætter struktur ind i verden. De navngiver, skaber tiden og søger at løse de kaotiske situationer, der opstår frem mod Ragnarok.
Længde: 26,5 cm
- Farve: Grøn
- Røget eg