Ymer – the primeval giant of the Norse creation story. Ymer was the first being of creation. He was the result of heat meeting cold in Ginnungagap, and was fed milk from the primordial cow Audhumbla. Ymer was the first ancestor of the giants; more precisely the ‘rimturse’ family. They were born of his armpits; results of his one leg having fertilized the other.
Ymer was killed by the ‘ases’, Odin, Vile and Ve; and they created cosmos out of his dead body. His blood was turned into the seas and oceans, his body into the Earth, his bones into the mountains, his brain skull became the firmament, the brain the skies. Out of his eyebrows, the ‘ases’ built Asgård to protect them from the giants.
Length: 103 cm
- Glass colour: Yellow
- Smoked oak

Urjætte i skabelsesmytologien. Ymer er det første skabte væsen. Han opstår af mødet mellem varme og kulde i Ginnungagap. Urkoen Audhumbla nærer ham med sin mælk. Ymer er stamfar til rimtursernes jætteslægt. De fødes af hans armhuler og ved, at hans ene ben avler med det andet.
Ymer dræbes af aserne Odin, Vile og Ve, og af hans krop former de kosmos. Hans blod bliver til vandene, kroppen til jorden, knoglerne til bjergene, hans hjerneskal til himmelhvælvingen og hans hjerne til skyer. Af hans øjenbryn opfører aserne Asgård til værn mod jætterne.
Længde: 103 cm
- Farve: Gul
- Røget eg