Vind – (norrønt vindr) Vikinger var dygtige sømænd – derfor kunne de komme vidt omkring. Deres skibe var højt udviklede – især udviklingen af sejlet havde stor betydning. Vinden førte vikingerne langt ud i den ukendte verden og helt til det amerikanske kontinent 500 år før Christoffer Columbus.
Længde: 54 cm
- Farve: Tannen grøn
- Ubehandlet eg

Vind – (in Norse “vindr”, in English “wind”). The Vikings were excellent sailors, and their ships were considered
high tech at the time. Especially the introduction of sails made a huge impact. With sophisticated sails, wind made it possible for the Vikings to reach distant shores – they even landed on the North American shores 500 years before Columbus. The stern of the ship is decorated with the word “vind” (Norse for wind) which is carefully carved with runes from the oldest runic alphabet.
Length: 54 cm
- Glass colour: Green
- Natural oak