Nr. 152 ”ASYNJE” En asynje er en gudinde i nordisk mytologi. Asynjerne er lige så hellige og magtfulde som de mandlige aser. De mødes og tager vigtige beslutninger. De mest kendte Asynjer er Odins hustru Frigg og den oprindelige vanegudinde Freja.
Længde: 79 cm
- Farve: Aqua
- Røget eg

Asynje – an ‘asynje’ is a Norse goddess. The asynjes were considered as holy and compelling as their male counterparts, the ‘ases’. They all meet up and make important decisions. The most famous representatives of the asynjes are Odin’s wife Frigg and the goddess of fertility and love, Freja.
Length: 79 cm
- Glass colour: Aqua
- Smoked oak