Fjalar en af to dværge Fjalar og Galar, der sammen slår den vise Kvaser ihjel, og af hans blod brygger de skjaldemjøden. Senere slår de jætten Gilling ihjel. Gillings søn, Suttung, vil hævne sig, fanger dværgene og sætter dem ud på et skær. Men da de giver mjøden i bøde for drabet på Suttungs far, beholder de livet. Derfor bruges kenningen “dværges fartøj” om skjaldemjøden: Det var jo mjødens skyld, at de undgik at drukne på skæret.
Længde: 27,5 cm
- Farve: Blå
- Røget eg

Fjalar – one of the two legendary dwarfs Fjalar and Galar. Fjalar and Galar kill the wise man Kvasar, and of his blood they brew the scaldic mead. Later, the two dwarfs also kill the giant Gilling. Gilling’s son Suttung wants revenge and captivates the two dwarfs and places them on a rock in the ocean. They do penance by handing over the scaldic barley and are thus forgiven for Gilling’s death. Mead is sometimes referred to as a ‘dwarf’s vessel’: The two dwarfs only survived because of the mead.
Length: 27,5 cm
- Glass colour: Blue
- Smoked oak